The City of Deming will be having a “Movie Night” at Trees park on Friday, August 4th at 8:00 p.m. They will be showing “Little Giants” and it is a free, family-friendly event for all to enjoy! The city is welcoming all community members to attend, as this will be the last movie night of the summer. For more information, contact The City of Deming. 

Community Partnership for Children, a Silver City non-profit organization dedicated to helping child development, recently created a Family Leadership Team to help advocate for children and families in the community. The team is composed of parents within the community that are working together to help create a positive, flourishing environment for children in Grant County. Since the Family Leadership Team started, they have developed an after-school program, a monthly newsletter and various projects and events for children and their families. To learn more about the organization or to become a member, visit their website

The Gila Cliff Dwellings will be having an event to give community members the opportunity to learn more about the Gila Super Volcano and how it shaped the landscape of the Gila Forks region. This event will take place on August 5th at 2:30 p.m. and all participants are to meet at the picnic tables behind the Western National Parks Association bookstore. For more information, website.

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish will be conducting checkpoints throughout the state this month to collect biological data and to detect wildlife law violations. Department officers may be assisted by other law enforcement agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and New Mexico State Police. The 2023-24 hunting and fishing season has begun, therefore all hunters and anglers are required to purchase a new license before hunting and fishing.  For more information, visit their website. 

Supporting People In Need (SPIN), a non-profit organization in Silver City, is in need of volunteers to help keep the program running. The program provides transitional and permanent supportive housing for the homeless that suffer from disabilities and people who are transitioning out of prison or rehab. Volunteers are needed to help provide peer support, wash blankets, cook meals and be mentors. If interested in volunteering and for more information, visit their website.