Here’s a look at some local news brought to you by Silver City Radio.
Twenty-Eight New Mexico high schools including Silver Hight School have been chosen to participate in a program to improve school experience by being part of “Innovation Zones.” These schools will be given between $150,00 to $750,00 to reimagine the school experience and seeking to improve academic success rates and implanting new techniques to make school more inspiring for young adults. The schools were chosen as participants by being evaluated on core principles some of which include Leadership and pathway teams, capstone courses, work-based and experiential learning, and valuation and continuous improvement. According to Silver High Principal, Claudia Smith, “the significant grant funding will allow Silver High school to implement a re-imagined school experience that includes leadership teams and work-based and experiential learning for high school students.”
A news release from U.S Forest Service/Gila National Forest announces that the Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Committee is calling for proposals to improve watershed and forest health. Primary location for projects is intended to be on federal lands, including all districts of the Gila National Forest. Some of the eligible projects include: road-trail and watershed infrastructure maintenance; soil productivity improvement; control of invasive weeds; and re-establishment of native species. Estimated funding available locally is $222,574.00 for Grant County and $908,330.00 for Catron County.
Gila Regional Medical Center is looking for volunteers to serve as GRMC Auxiliary members. Minimal involvement requires a volunteer to be at the hospital one shift of 3 or 4 hours per week. In addition, volunteers generally provide visitors with information; escort visitors and give directions; help move patients’ clothing from pre-to post-operation rooms; or provide lunches to Cancer Center patients, or work in the gift shop. Applications are available 8am to 4 pm, at the Information Desk at the front lobby of the hospital.
This has been a look at some local news. Thank you for listening to Silver City Radio.