PNM contractors will be performing pole inspections in the Silver City area beginning tomorrow, June 21st. These inspections are part of an ongoing effort to support continued safety and reliability throughout the service area. It is possible that workers may need access to a customer’s property if a pole is inside of a property but will never ask to enter a home unless a previous appointment was scheduled by a customer. The project is expected to last through September. If you have any questions or concerns about the project, call 833-910-3670 and leave a message and a PNM rep will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Gila Trails volunteers have been working hard to help clear trails in the Gila and its surrounding areas. Volunteers recently cleaned around Lilley Park and Prior Cabin by removing large hazardous trees down to White Creek Flats and by brushing the switchbacks. They also helped clear trails along Gilita Creek, Willow Creek to Copper Canyon, and removed over 250 logs on South Fork Whitewater Tail #798. Gila Trails volunteers will continue to work on the trail throughout the summer. 

Interested in viewing the moon? The Gila Cliff Dwellings will be having a free campfire and “moon viewing” on June 22nd. Those interested can come by the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument Visitor Center parking lot at 9:00 p.m. to view the moon and other celestial objects. A red headlamp and telescopes are recommended. 

In Luna County News: 

Deming Public Schools in partnership with La Casa and NMSU CEP is offering free “Summer Counseling” for children 7 to 18 years old. The sessions will help students build new skills, talk things out and learn strategies to better deal with challenges. The sessions will take place Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at La Casa Healing House in Deming. For more information and to sign up for a session, call 575-546-6539.

As a reminder, The Luna County Planning Department is reminding all those who conduct business in Luna County, outside the incorporated boundaries of the City of Deming or the Village of Columbus, must renew their business registration or apply for a new one by June 30th. Persons engaged solely in farming and ranching or whose annual gross sales do not exceed $500 are exempt for the ordinance. For more information, contact the Luna County Planning Department at 575-543-6621.