Silver City Fire Chief and Assistant SCF Chief are inviting Grant County community members to learn about Fire Response and Prevention and Emergency Medical Services during the WILL “Lunch and Learn” event tomorrow, March 19th. They will be discussing the type of training that is required for firefighters, how to prepare for a fire or medical emergency, how they interact with other fire departments and community service organizations and the type of education outreach programs they offer. The presentation will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Bessie-Forward Global Resource Center ABC Room on the WNMU campus. 

Silver Consolidated Schools Special Education teacher Michiko Moore has been selected as the “2024 Educator of the Year” by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council 8003. Each year LULAC recognizes one educator for their outstanding contributions and self-less work to students and the community. Mrs. Moore was recognized for hard work, dedication and the profound impact she has on students every day. Congratulations to Mrs. Moore. 

The Silver City Food Co-op donated their February funds from their “Round Up” program to the Fort Bayard Disabled American Veterans Chapter 1, which provides services to veterans of Grant County. The organization plans to use the funds locally to help community members with food boxes, home repairs, transportation for medical appointments and other necessities that may be needed by veterans. For more information on the services the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 1 provides, call 575-313-5594.

The Bayard City Council will be conducting a Special Meeting this evening, March 18th at 5:30 p.m. Council members will be discussing the approval of planning and zoning matters and the approval and discussion of development additions. The meeting will take place at Bayard City Hall and the public is encouraged to attend.   

In Deming News:

Representatives from the New Mexico Tourism Department (NMTD) will be coming to Deming tomorrow, March 19th for the Department’s latest “New Mexico True Tour”. Community members are encouraged to attend to learn more about how NMTD’s programs, services and initiatives can help grow business and boost tourism for the city of Deming. This event will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Deming City Hall-Council Chamber.