The Grant County Community Concert Association is pleased to present Stringfever in concert on Thursday, April 7th at the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theater beginning at 7 pm. Stringfever is a unique string band from London, England. Three classically trained Broadbent brothers and their cousin Graham put on a truly original show using 5- and 6-string electric instruments to play music from Brahms to the Beetles and from Ravel to Rock and Roll. Admission is $20 for adult non-subscribers and students to age 17 accompanied by an adult ticket holder are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased at Blackwell’s Antiques or Western Stationers, or at the time of the concert. Don’t miss Stringfever in concert on April 7th at 7 pm in the Fine Arts Center Theater. For more information, subscriptions, or ticket purchases, go to or call 575-538-5862.
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