As a reminder, The Gila National Forest is strongly advising the public to avoid ice fishing or going on the ice at Quemado Lake. Recent warming weather has created dangerously thin ice on the lake, threatening the safety of anyone walking on it. At this time there is no closure in place but extreme caution is suggested to those who decide to visit the area.

The Cobre School District is in the process of developing a “Graduate Profile” survey and is looking for input from the community. The Graduate Profile will be to help assist the school district in articulating the knowledge, skills and attributes that the local community identifies as important for graduates to instill when they exit high school. The deadline to submit your input is February 23rd. For more information and to take the survey, visit the Cobre Consolidated Schools Facebook page. 

Interested in helping clean up the community? Come join Silver City’s Pick It Up-Toss No Mas for their “Spread the Love” Community Cleanup this Saturday, February 17th. Those interested in volunteering are to meet at the Grant County Community Foundation parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Trash bags, gloves, trash pickers, snacks and t-shirts will be provided to all volunteers. After the cleanup, all trash and recyclables will be recorded, and those with the most trash collected will be rewarded. 

The Commons Center for Food Security and Sustainability would like to thank all its supporters, volunteers and staff for their hard work and dedication over the past year. Volunteers have spent hours packing and distributing food boxes, tending the garden and delivering food to homebound seniors which has allowed the center to distribute over 800,000 pounds of food to families in need. This year, The Commons plans on continuing its work to address food insecurity in Grant County through food pantries, potluck dinners, cooking classes and much more. For more information on how you can get involved, visit website.

Last in Our News:

Today is National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, which is dedicated to honoring those who serve to bridge the gap between the youth and law enforcement. The City of Deming would like to express their gratitude to the Deming Police Department and Luna County Sheriff Student Resource Officers for their dedication and all the help they provide to the kids in the community. Their work to help improve and change students’ lives is not only appreciated today but everyday.