High school students across the state are invited to participate in a statewide discussion meet hosted by the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Program. The Young Farmers and Ranchers Program (YF&R) equips members between the ages of 18 and 35 to take on leadership roles within the organization and agriculture. Participants will learn how to build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems. The deadline to register is November 10th with the discussion taking place on November 15th at the Embassy Suites in Albuquerque. High school students interested in participating can work with their FFA advisor or 4-H leader to register. For more information and to register, visit the website.

In Local News: The National Center for Frontier Communities, the Silver City nonprofit organization behind the Food Hub, recently received a $398,142 Community Food Project grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Frontier Food Hub will be using the grant to work with residents in the Mining District to help increase area food production, access to food and to provide training opportunities as well as create a community food production plan aimed specifically for Mining District community members. Over the next four years, the food hub will work on creating regional food systems with the first year focusing on building community engagement in the Mining District while continuing the food hub’s mobile farmer’s markets.   

American classical guitarist Peter Fletcher will be performing at the Silco Theater in Silver City on Thursday, November 9, at 4:00 p.m. in a free concert sponsored by the Friends of the Library.  Peter Fletcher is based in Detroit and New York City and offers an audience friendly, solo recital including repertoire that runs from the Renaissance Period through the 20th Century. 

During the recent Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education meeting, many items regarding safety were up for discussion, one being the issue of when the armed guards policy would be implemented. The policy, which was approved earlier this year, will place armed guards at all Silver City schools during the next school year. Members of the board announced that the guards have gone through psychological evaluations as required and the next steps are to prepare them for gun handling training and to fortify storage areas. The goal, once all training and evaluations are completed, is to have one armed guard at each school in Silver City by the beginning of next year.

The Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project will be having a community “Clean Up” Day tomorrow, November 4th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All those interested in volunteering are to meet at the Western Bank parking lot on 2nd Street in Lordsburg. All community members are encouraged to attend to help beautify the city.