The Gila National Forest will host two “lunch and learn” events on April 18th and 19th featuring Kevin Willson. He will discuss his research into ponderosa pine regeneration following high-severity fire. The event on April 18th will take place at the Gila National Forest Supervisor’s office, located at 3005 E. Camino del Bosque in Silver City. The event on the 19th will be at the Reserve District office located at 5 Smokey Bear Circle in Reserve. Both these events will take place at 12:00 p.m. and are open to the public. For more information, call 575-388-8211. 

A New Mexico Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Certification Course will be offered in Hidalgo County. The course will be at the Animas Community Center on Tuesday, April 18th from 3-5:00p.m. The event will be hosted by the Hidalgo County Extension office. For more information, contact Hidalgo County Extension Agent Savannah at 575-542-9291.

The Silver City Women’s Club is offering two scholarships to Western New Mexico University for the 2023-24 school year. Any WNMU major, transfer students and students that are graduating high school with 6 dual credit hours from WNMU are welcomed to apply. Scholarship recipients from the previous year are not eligible. Applications can be picked up at the Woman’s Club on Mondays from 12-2p.m. or requested from their facebook page. The application deadline is April 30th. 

New Mexico Public Schools received the biggest share of this year’s state general budget. Over $4.17 billion which is 44% of the state’s total budget, which was signed by the governor, is going to schools and educators. This is going to help with resources and will provide professional development to NM schools. 

The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) recently celebrated their 51st anniversary. The program has been helping seniors reach healthy lifestyles since 1972. Funded by the Older American Act, the program provides nutritious meals, social connections and other services to NM seniors.