If you would like to do something to help those in need this holiday season, here are some options that are open for you.
The Gospel Mission emergency men’s shelter is open every day of the week during the winter, but they are still in need of male volunteers to work the overnight shift. They also welcome anyone who can be a door greeter when the doors are open in the evenings. Stop by the Mission to learn more. As always the Mission is happy to accept donations of warm clothes to help people in need.
City Cuts Barber shop is having a Keep Me Warm Donation Drive to help keep local youth warm. Please take such items as coats, beanies, gloves, rubber boots, ear muffs, and scarves to 1780 Hwy 180 E Suite A during business hours.
The High Desert Humane Society continues their toy drive for dogs and cats through the month of December. Pet toys can be dropped off at participating locations or at the High Desert Humane Society. The shelter can always use cat and dog food as well as non-clumping cat litter.
And Faywood Hot Springs is holding a food drive to benefit local food pantries through the end of the year. Take non-perishable food items to 165 Hwy 61 in Faywood between 10 and 10.
Have a safe and happy holiday.
Merry Christmas from Silver City Radio!