The USDA Forest Service has initiated a 60-day objection period for the final environmental impact statement and draft record of decision for the Gila National Forest revised land management plan, as well as the Southwest Regional Forester’s Species of Conservation Concern list for the Gila National Forest. The revised land management plan, known as the forest plan, reflects the significant economic, social, and ecological changes that have occurred in southwestern New Mexico since the original plan was approved in 1986. The plan also provides direction for the long-term management of the Gila National Forest by delineating the desired conditions, objectives, and guidelines to guide management activities across the forest for the next 10 to 15 years and is projected to support 1,131 jobs and an estimated $34.3 million in labor income each year through sustainable recreation, livestock grazing, and forest products. The 60-day objection period, which was initiated July 30th, will give individuals and entities who previously submitted specific written comments regarding concerns about the revised plan or associated documents during the 90-day comment period, an opportunity to file an objection. For specific requirements on filing an objection, visit website

The Silver City Food Co-op will be donating the August funds from their “Round Up” program to the Gila Resources Information Project, also known as GRIP. GRIP is a local environmental organization that advocates for the well-being of nature and the community. The funds received from the Round Up program will be used for GRIP’s volunteer program to help improve Big Ditch Park and San Vicente Creek. 

As a reminder, The Frontier Food Hub in Silver City is having a “Salsa Showdown” for those in the Mining District who are interested in showcasing their salsa skills. The winner will receive a licensing deal with Frontier Food Hub, have 500 jars of their salsa professionally canned by a co-packer and collaborate on creating a professional custom label. The winner will be chosen on September 7th by a panel of local judges. Deadline to sign-up is August 10th. For complete registration details, visit the Frontier Food Hub’s Facebook page.

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The City of Lordsburg will be having its monthly Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project Town Hall meeting tomorrow, August 1st where the topic of discussion will be Animal Control. The meeting will take place from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Lordsburg Hidalgo Chamber of Commerce. The community is encouraged to attend to share their thoughts and suggestions.