Looking for a way to recycle your Christmas tree? The Commons in Silver City will be taking trees this Saturday, January 6th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. They will be shredding the trees to assist the “New Earth Project” make living soil. For more information, visit The Commons Facebook page. 

Congratulations to the Silver High School Fighting Colts Boys Varsity Wrestling team who placed in the top 5 during the Silver Wrestling Invitational that took place this past weekend. There were a total of 14 teams that came from across the state of New Mexico and Arizona to compete. The Silver High School boys team took 5th place and first place for the individual division went to  Silver High student Desiree Rodriguez. The team will travel to Texas this weekend to compete in Dallas. Good luck to all team members. 

Hurley Town Councilor, Nanette Day along with other volunteers have been dedicating their time and efforts these past weeks to help reopen the Hurley Library. They have been cleaning bookshelves and floors and have begun shelving books. The library is set to open this Saturday, January 6th and will be open on Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings, with a community event planned on the first Saturday of each month. For more information on the library, contact the Town of Hurley.

Last in our News:

On December 31st, 2023 PNM received a notice from Avangrid that it was terminating their merger agreement with PNM’s parent company, PNM Resources. The companies announced their agreement to merge in October 2020 and presented the benefits of the merger, including customer rate credits, in their request for approval from the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC). Over the course of the process, the companies reached agreements with 14 intervening parties representing varying interests for additional customer and community benefits totaling over $300 million to New Mexico. The benefits were to be in the form of customer rate credits, forgiveness of past-due bills, new job commitments, economic development funds, scholarship and apprenticeship training programs, low-income energy efficiency programs and more. The companies had appealed the prior NMPRC’s 2021 rejection of the agreement to the New Mexico Supreme Court and had extended the terms of the merger agreement multiple times through 2022 and 2023 while a decision was pending, with the most recent extension carrying an expiration date of December 31st. PNM Resources had proposed a further extension of the agreement while the New Mexico Supreme Court decision remained pending. Avangrid instead chose to terminate the agreement and cancel its commitment of benefits to PNM customers, employees and communities.