The Deming Police Department has announced the formation of its new Fugitive Apprehension Unit (FAU), a specialized team focused on locating and apprehending individuals with outstanding warrants. The department recently carried out two successful operations, resulting in seven arrests, highlighting the officers’ dedication and commitment to community safety. The establishment of the FAU reflects the department’s ongoing efforts to enhance public safety and ensure community accountability.
In Grant County news:
The Santa Clara Fire Department recently received the “Fire Department of the Year” award from Gila Regional EMS. The department expressed its sincere gratitude to all the paramedics for their unwavering dedication and hard work in serving the citizens of Grant County. This recognition highlights the collaborative efforts that contribute to the safety and well-being of the community.
A team of faculty from Western New Mexico University, along with community members and a graduate student, are involved in a multiyear project, named the Silver City Flora Project aimed at inventorying all plant species growing in Silver City. Over the course of two years, the team has identified more than 500 different plant species. The primary objectives of the Silver City Flora project are to raise awareness of local plant life within the community and establish a baseline for future studies, enabling researchers to track environmental changes and assess potential losses in biodiversity. The project will also provide valuable data for comparing current flora with historical records.
The City of Bayard’s 1st Annual Mining District “Shop with a Cop” event was a great success. Staff member Mrs. Lucinda Valencia and Cobre High School student Taylor McWhorter contributed to the event by donating items; Mrs. Valencia provided coloring books and toothbrushes, while Taylor donated 40 toys for the drive. The City of Bayard would like to thank the Bayard Police Department for organizing the event, as well as to Santa Clara Police Department, Bayard Fire, Silver Police Department, the Sheriff’s Office, and local State Troopers for their participation.