The Gila National Forest has announced that recent changes in leadership have been made to the local ranger district’s. The Glenwood Ranger District’s former District Ranger, Brain Stultz has been reappointed and is now the permanent Wilderness District Ranger. In addition to her duties as the Silver City Ranger District, Elizabeth Toney is currently the Acting District Ranger for the Glenwood Ranger District. Tony Ybarra, Wildlife Biologist for the Silver City Ranger District, has accepted an appointment as Acting Deputy District Ranger for the Silver City and Glenwood ranger districts. Bret Ruff is the Acting District Ranger of record for the Reserve Ranger District and the Deputy Forest Supervisor. The permanent District Ranger for the Black Range Ranger District is Bret Mellot and Randall Chavez will continue to serve as the Quemado District Ranger. 

The Grant County Detention Center Administrator recently spoke about the new Reach, Intervention, Support and Engage (R.I.S.E) Program during the recent Grant County Commission meeting. The program is aimed to help offenders who are in and out of the detention center, who are struggling with substance abuse, mental health issues and those who will transition back into the community under supervision. The goal of R.I.S.E is to help teach those incarcerated techniques, tools and life skills during their incarceration to help them be successful once released and so that they do not reoffend. 

Deming Public School’s Board of Education is asking parents, family and community members to take the Deming Public Schools survey to help them develop a comprehensive Strategic Plan that will help guide the district’s decision making in several key areas over the next three years. The board will be focusing on four primary goals that will focus on improving outcomes for students. The four goals will include: Academic Excellence and Achievement, Financial Management, Health Safety and Wellness and Family and Community Connections. All survey responses must be submitted by August 30th. For more information and to complete the survey, visit Deming Public School’s Facebook page.

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As a reminder, the Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission will be hosting a public listening session, tonight August 14th. The State of New Mexico is preparing to invest in water projects in southwest New Mexico, therefore the purpose of the session is to gather community input on the draft Pilot Funding Cycle Policy. The session will take place at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center in Silver City from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend.