The Luna County Health Council will be offering a free CPR training class on September 19th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Columbus Community Center in room 13, located at 100 East Boundary Street. Due to limited space, prior registration is required. To register and for more information, please call 575-694-5263.

In Grant County News: 

The Silver City Ranger District’s trail crew dedicated several weeks in June and July manicuring and grooming a 7-mile stretch of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. They faced many challenges with sections of dense, overgrown vegetation and nearly impassable brush, which required the use of loppers to clear oak, mountain mahogany, and various pines. For larger branches and downed logs, hand saws and bucking tools were employed to ensure smoother passage for equestrians. Thanks to their hard work, the trail now offers a delightful adventure with stunning panoramic views of West Skates Canyon, glimpses of Signal Peak, and vibrant displays of native blooms, enriching the experience for hikers, bikers, and equestrians alike.

At the recent Commission meeting, Grant County Fire Chief Roger Groves honored Chief Charles Ulitchney and Jessica Escobar of the Lower Mimbres Volunteer Fire Department with Commendation Bars and Certificates of Lifesaving Efforts. Additionally, Chief Groves presented Commendation Bars and Certificates of Appreciation to Grant County Volunteer Fire Department members who recently became CPR Instructors, including Oly Sturdevant, Jennifer Olson, Jay Goats, Michael Raines Jr., Chief Ed Downard, and Larry Ruben. These awards recognize their exceptional contributions and commitment to lifesaving and training efforts.

During the recent Cobre Consolidated Schools Board Meeting, members discussed a new partnership with STEAMing Ahead for Success, a nonprofit based in Silver City with connections to Cobre High School. STEAMing Ahead for Success has collaborated with New Mexico State University’s STEM Outreach Center to offer robotics and coding curriculum in Cobre schools, supported by a $157,000 grant from the New Mexico Public Education Department. Additionally, the grant funded materials for a summer transition camp to help sixth-graders prepare for middle school. This initiative aims to provide advanced educational opportunities typically unavailable to smaller, rural schools.