Calling all power wheel car enthusiasts! A meeting to discuss the “Mini Riders Power Wheel Club”, a new club designed for Grant County youth, will be held this evening, May 21st in the Village of Santa Clara. The meeting will go over the new club, which will give youth the opportunity to show off iconic power wheels and ride with other youths. The goal is to not only help bring youth together but the community as well. The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. at Viola Stone Park in Santa Clara. For questions or concerns, Call RJ at 575-519-8327. 

Western New Mexico University Assistant Professor Heather Frankland was proclaimed Silver City and Grant County’s sixth Poet Laureate during the recent Silver City Town Hall meeting. The Poet Laureate Program of the Silver City/Grant County area strives to promote a meaningful poetic presence as part of the diverse cultural fabric of Silver City and the region. Professor Frankland was given the award for establishing a presence in the world of poetry, demonstrating a commitment to literary art form and for embracing the opportunity to raise awareness of the power of poetry and the spoken word. Congratulations to Professor Frankland. 

The Gila National Forest, Silver City Ranger District is assessing conditions in preparation for burning Phase two of the 2,010-acre Cameron Creek Prescribed Fire Project. In phase two, fire will be introduced to the interior of the project area to help reduce hazardous fuels and fire intensities if a wildfire were to occur, protecting private infrastructure in the wildland urban interface. Given suitable conditions, crews hope to ignite portions of the planned prescribed fire unit the week of June 3rd.  An area closure will be in effect during the prescribed fire. The exact date of ignition will depend on weather and fuels conditions and firefighting resource availability. 

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Deming Public Schools will be having a free Mariachi Summer Camp for students who will be in grades 6th-12th in the 2024-2025 school year. The camp is for all levels and will feature instruction on how to play the violin, trumpet, guitar, harp and much more. The Mariachi camp will take place June 10th through the 14th and June 17th through the 21st from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To register and for more information, call Gerard Flores at 719-214-0724.