The Grant County Assessor’s Office is currently conducting a county-wide reappraisal to update records and ensure fair and equitable reviews for all property owners. To maintain transparency and community safety, they are committed to keeping all residents informed about their department’s activities. Employees will be visiting properties, specifically in and around Bayard, to conduct official business and are fully authorized by the Assessor’s office. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 575-574-0030.

Congratulations to new Silver City Firefighters Elizabeth Barber, Tunie Molina, and Brian Erickson who successfully completed an intensive 3-week on-the-job training. The demanding training program helped equip them with essential firefighting skills and prepared them for their first assigned shifts. The Town of Silver City is thrilled to welcome these committed professionals to the Silver City Fire Department and are eager to see their contributions in keeping the community safe. 

The Luna County Juvenile Justice Continuum of Services (JJCS) has introduced the Boys Council Program for youth ages 10 to 17 and the Girls Circle Program for youth ages 9 to 14 in Columbus. The program is designed to help empower, support and guide students, promoting personal growth and by building strong, positive relationships and communities. Both programs are free and will take place at the Health and Wellness Community Complex in Columbus from 5 to 6 p.m. The girls program takes place on Mondays and the boys program takes place on Thursdays. For more information on how to register, visit Luna County’s Facebook page. 

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Yesterday, the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) announced that the Federal Communications Commission has approved over $500,000 in funding for the Statewide Education Network (SEN). This support, coming from the FCC’s E-rate program, will aid in expanding broadband access to public schools in New Mexico, allowing them to share resources and access educational websites more effectively. Since July 1st, SEN has connected 50 schools in New Mexico and aims to link 840 schools by 2027. This funding is crucial for the network’s long-term sustainability and will help reduce future state funding needs.