During the meeting held by the Village of Santa Clara on July 11th, the council approved resolution 2024-18 adopting the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). The ICIP will be presented to the legislature for funding focusing on five top issues including parks, equipment, water system, the bike path and broadband. In the past year funding was received for one issue but the village hopes to receive funding for all five issues to help better the community. The council also announced that the Bellm Street project is in its last stages and needs further work on Caddel Crossing before the sidewalks can be completed. The project is expected to be completed in the next couple of months.  

Deming Public Schools will be holding a public input meeting this evening, August 1st at 5:30 p.m. at the Emmet Shockley Administration Building, located at 400 Cody Road. Community members are encouraged to attend to discuss important topics such as facility and safety updates and to participate in a question and answer session. The meeting will also be seeking volunteers to be a part of the district’s advisory committee, which will give residents a chance to play an active role in the educational community. 

The new Veterans Memorial Gate arch at Shakespeare Cemetery is now complete and open to the public. The project, which is dedicated to the memory of all the veterans buried at the cemetery, was led by the Hidalgo County Heritage Society with help from the City of Lordsburg, the County of Hidalgo, the American Legion and local and long-distance donors. The improvement project is scheduled to continue with work to improve the appearance of the cemetery, create walking paths, set up benches, identify and mark all veterans’ graves and create a veterans’ grave site map. A ribbon ceremony for the cemetery will be held November 11th.

In other News:

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) New Mexico State Office has opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on seven oil and gas parcels totaling 1317 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease sale in New Mexico. The BLM completed scoping on these parcels in June and is now seeking public comment on the parcels, potential deferrals and the related environment analysis. Input from the public will be used to help complete its review of each parcel and determine if leasing of these parcels conforms with all applicable laws, policies and land use plans. The comment period is now open and will end August 29th. For more information and to submit comments, visit website