Aldo Leopold Charter School recently received a $15,000 grant from the Public Education Department that is aimed to help foster sustainable environments within educational institutions and provide students the knowledge and experience about the significance of locally grown food production. The school plans on using the grant to construct a protective perimeter fence to safeguard the produce from deer and explore a unique approach to reducing food waste and by committing to the three principles of reduce, reuse and recycle ensuring that every resource available is used efficiently.

The Gila National Forest, Silver City Ranger District, is planning to resume thinning with heavy machinery and chainsaws in the Little Walnut area this fall and winter. The work will continue the Joint Chiefs’ Bear Creek to Signal Peak Collaborative Restoration Project, a joint U.S. Department of Agriculture effort between the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Forest Service. The project area will include segments of trails near the Gomez Peak Trailhead, which may result in short-term closures of the Continental Divide Trail north of Little Walnut Road. For more information on the project, visit the website.

The Gila Resources Information Project, known as GRIP, partnered with the Town of Silver City this summer on a multi-year, comprehensive stream restoration project to help restore the San Vicente Creek and the Silver City Watershed. GRIP and six local subcontractors replaced non-native trees with natives, modified the stream channel to reconnect with the floodplain more naturally, stabilized creek crossings for utility access and constructed water harvesting infrastructure to capture and slow urban stormwater. The goal of the project is to help protect the riparian habitat and to reduce climate-related threats to human health and infrastructure. 

The Town of Silver City will be having their 6th Annual “Buddy Walk” in support of Down Syndrome this Saturday, September 23rd at Gough Park. Registration for the walk will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with the walk beginning at noon. There will be music, games, prizes, contests, dance performances, resources and much more. 

In recognition of National Self-Awareness Month, The Luna County Healing House is wanting to remind all community members of the services they provide. The Healing House assists victims and survivors of domestic violence by providing emergency shelter, emotional support, case management and diversified programs to help increase safety, independence, self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, visit the website.