The Grant County Chamber of Commerce is inviting all community members to join them at their October 2023 Luncheon on Thursday, October 5th. The luncheon will have guest speaker, Mr. William Hawkins, Silver Consolidated Schools Superintendent, who will be discussing key aspects of the school facilities such as the needs of Jose Barrios Elementary, Cliff Schools and the Ben Altamirano Sports Complex, which are crucial for the next 5-year Facilities Master Plan. The luncheon will take place from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center. For more information and to register, visit the website

Congratulations to Private Kaissa Villegas, a Cobre High School senior, who was recently enlisted into the New Mexico Army National Guard. Ms. Villegas will serve as a 92Y, Unit Supply Specialist with Charlie Co, 3rd Battalion, 140th Aviation in Las Cruces. After high school, she plans to continue to serve in the New Mexico National Guard while attending college at New Mexico State University. 

During the recent Silver Consolidated Schools Board Meeting, the board discussed the possibility of implementing the “Restorative Justice Program”, which is used in schools across New Mexico to help create positive interactions with students and keep schools safe.  The program is a practice based on a set of principles for responding to peer conflict and wrongdoing, emphasizing communication without blame or shame, strengthening relationships and social-emotional growth to build healthy learning communities. By implementing this program, Silver Schools hopes to decrease the number of disciplinary actions and exclusionary discipline by helping build healthier student-to-student and student-to-adult relationships. 

If you are looking for a way to volunteer and make a difference in the community, “Pick It Up-Toss No Mas” has many ways to help make Silver City clean and beautiful. Those interested can volunteer for a monthly Community Trash Cleanup event, host a neighborhood or employee cleanup, adopt a roadway or a waterway, so you can take care of your piece of Silver City on a regular basis, or take the Business Pledge to commit to preventing litter at your business or workplace. For more information on how to get involved and volunteer, visit the website

In Deming News:

Deming Public Schools is informing the public that construction work on Saddler Street and Chaparral Elementary School has begun and will continue until Friday, October 13th. Heavy construction and equipment traffic are expected during this time, therefore seeking alternative routes and using caution when driving and walking in the area is recommended. For any questions or concerns, contact Deming Public Schools.