The National Center for Frontier Communities seeks to engage young people in Southwest New Mexico to understand how climate change is affecting their lives. Youth aged 10 to 19 in Catron, Hidalgo, and Luna counties are encouraged to share their perspectives on climate change, its impact on their communities, and their concerns or hopes for the future. By participating in this survey, young individuals have the opportunity to influence the development of future programs, resources, and support systems tailored to address the unique challenges they face. To participate in the survey, visit the National Center for Frontier Communities’ Facebook page.

The Village of Columbus recently hosted the Cabalgata Leadership Summit, an event led by Mayor Skinner that brought together local leaders and community members for a collaborative dialogue on strengthening community bonds. The summit served as a platform for open discussions centered on unity, growth, and future opportunities, with participants brainstorming innovative ways to enhance relationships between Columbus and its neighboring communities. 

The Silver City Town Council is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Grant County Administration Building, located at 1400 Highway 180 East. A key item on the agenda is the consideration of a community advisory board for the Silver City Police Department. Specifically, agenda item 15 D involves the approval or disapproval of a Notice of Intent for Ordinance 1335, which proposes amending Chapter 24, Law Enforcement. Community members are encouraged to attend the meeting and share their opinions during the public input session.

In Hidalgo County news:

To help inspire their students, Animas High School organized a college tour for the entire classes of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Their first stop was Central New Mexico College’s Vocational Tech, where students explored hands-on programs and gained insight into technical career paths. The group continued their journey to New Mexico Tech, where they learned about the world of science and innovation. The tour offered a glimpse of the diverse educational opportunities awaiting them and the opportunities available to them in New Mexico.