The Upper Gila Watershed Alliance recently received funding from the New Mexico Environment Department River Stewardship Program to restore Adair Spring, a tributary of the San Francisco River in the Quemado District of the Gila National Forest. The restoration project’s objective is to help surface water quality and improve the spring and wetland habitat in an area that has been impacted by both elk and livestock. Also, as funding permits, the Forest Service will be working on replacing old barbed wire fences with pipe and cable fences that will require little to no maintenance to help prevent livestock and elk from accessing the spring. For more information on the project, go to website.  

American Legion Bataan Post #4 in Deming, recently held a flag-burning ceremony to retire unserviceable flags and to pay tribute to the U.S. flag and its symbolism. Approximately 15 flags were burned and they had United States veterans as well as many community members in attendance. The post hopes to have flag-burning ceremonies at least once a month to continue the tradition in honor of the United States.

The Silver City Woman’s Club recently awarded two Western New Mexico University scholarships to students Stacey Bernstein and Logan Dodge. Ms. Bernstein is a Silver High School graduate who plans on focusing on biology and track while at WNMU and eventually becoming a dermatologist. Ms. Logan is a graduate from Seward County Community College in Kansas where she received an Associate of Science degree in biology and plans on transferring to WNMU to further her education in kinesiology. Congratulations to both students.

According to the Department of Workforce Solutions, Economic Research and Analysis Bureau, New Mexico’s economy has delivered exceptionally strong growth in the past few months. New Mexico has added 20,900 jobs over the year which brings the total number of NM jobs to 869,4000, the highest it has ever been. The Department of Workforce Solutions is working on making employment services more available to businesses and people and expanding programs that will train and place workers where they are needed the most.