The CDC said New Mexico is one of three states with the highest risks of flu right now, with New York and District of Columbia being the other two. More than 25 million people have been affected by this flu season. Kathleen Fabien with UNM Children’s hospital says that incidents of flu are higher this year and this can be serious for anyone with children, especially children five and under who are at high risk of hospitalization. According to NMDOH, 51% of people in New Mexico have received a flu shot and urges people not vaccinated yet to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourself and your children.
The New Mexico Wildlife Federation plans a public outreach event in Southern New Mexico focusing on the need to reform the state’s allocation of elk licenses. Elk are by far the most valuable big game in New Mexico, filling freezers and bringing millions of dollars in revenue to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. However, the allocation of elk tags is a very sensitive issue. Hunters know how difficult it is to draw an elk tag even though there are roughly 22,000 tags a year. There simply is not enough to meet the demand. The New Mexico Wildlife Federation and NM Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers has planned an event that will focus on getting people to explore how NM Elk Tags are distributed, privatized, and ensure that solutions meet the needs of New Mexicans and wildlife. Plan to join from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, February 2nd, at Wranglers Bar and Grill.
Silver Consolidated Schools District receives a mental health grant in the total of $1,210,500 to be disbursed over the next five years. Under the grant eight mental health care providers will be placed in each of the seven schools in the district with one “floater” to cover emergency leave, crisis, and hiring gaps. These providers will serve over 2500 students. The purpose of the grant is to help: organize treatment programs and services; compose student and family support and resources; establish a school culture in which teachers and other student support staff are trained to recognize the early warning signs of mental health issues with students; and to create a positive school climate.