Congratulations to Gila Regional Medical Center employees Antonio Estrada, Ronald Green, James Rosser and Jasmine Para who were recently honored for their hard work and dedication to GRMC. Mr. Estrada was recognized for his 17 years of service in surgery, Mr. Green for his 5 years of service in Administration, with 19 years of total service, Dr. Rosser for his 5 years in Surgical Services and Ms. Para for her 10 years of service in Nursing. Thank you all for your continued service to the community.  

Come join Silver City’s Pick It Up-Toss No Mas for their July Community Cleanup tomorrow, July 20th. Those interested in volunteering are to meet at the Grant County Community Foundation parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Trash bags, gloves, snacks and t-shirts will be provided to first time volunteers. Come out and help transform Grant County into a cleaner, greener space for the community to enjoy. 

Luna County has received notice of a grant award for $99,000 to help expand internal capacity for Grant Writing, Engineering and Planning (GWEP) specifically to address the economic development goal of bringing high speed, affordable and reliable internet service to every citizen of the county. GWEP funds will be used to help conduct broadband planning and engineering to create public/private partnerships for broadband expansion to all locations in Luna County. 

In Hidalgo County News:

Hidalgo Medical Services will be having their 2nd Annual “HMS Celebrates Hidalgo County” tomorrow, July 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be free activities, free admission to the Lordsburg swimming pool, food, water slides, music, face painting and much more. This event will take place at the Lordsburg Special Events Center and admission is free. 

Congratulations to Hidalgo County students Stephanie Montez and Danli Valdez who were recently awarded two one-time $1,000 scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year from the Hidalgo County Tobosa Belles to help keep the agriculture fields going strong. Ms. Montez plans on pursuing a degree in Agricultural Communications and Journalism to help the public understand the operations of the agriculture, ranching and western lifestyle industries. Ms. Valdez is pursuing a degree in Equine Science-Ranch Management and will also be freelancing as a journalist for major agricultural publications. Good luck to both students in their future careers.