The Town of Hurley approved resolution No.5-2024/2025 during their recent regular meeting. The resolution ratifies the agreement between Hurley and the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments, which is done yearly by the town. The organization will help Hurley with the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan, colonias funding and other funding sources. The council also approved the intent to adopt ordinance 84 for the Town of Hurley affordable housing ordinance that will help residents with housing needs. 

Gila Regional Medical Center will be conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment, which will be used to gather input from members of the community the hospital serves. The purpose of the survey is to help identify and prioritize significant health needs within the community and to recognize resources that may help those needs. The Community Health Needs survey will be open to the community beginning August 19th through September 20th. For more information, visit Gila Regional Medical Center’s Facebook page.

The Substance Abuse Prevention Network of Hidalgo County will be having a “Family Engagement and Resource Fair” tomorrow, August 10th at the Lordsburg High School. There will be a variety of presentations to support families, free kids activities, over 27 resource tables with giveaways and information, a family hike, lunch and 17 amazing door prizes. Doors open at 9:45 a.m. with presentations beginning at 10:00 a.m. Free and open to the public. 

The non-profit organization Silver City Recycles has partnered with the Town of Silver City in a demonstration project to help transform solids from the wastewater treatment plant into compost. The town awarded the organization $15,000 to fund the project, which will be used to create and monitor composted sludge to make sure that harmful bacteria, like E. coli, are destroyed. The goal is to show that processed human waste can be successfully taken from the landfill and composted for large-scale agriculture, parks and other uses. 

Last in our News: As a reminder, New Mexico Magazine is having its 24th Annual Photo Awards competition for those interested in capturing the landscapes, street scenes and anything else that embodies the essence of New Mexico. The competition will feature seven categories that will focus on people, landscapes, animals, the New Mexico Experience, nightscapes, mobile photos and New Mexico’s Route 66. The 2025 photo awards submissions will run until September 15th. The winners will be revealed in the January/February 2025 issue of the magazine. For more information and submit your photos, visit website.