The Gila Native Plant Society is working on creating “The Habitat Thicket”, which is the first phase of their Garden Master Plan to help improve the Silva Creek Botanical Garden.  The new habitat will include trees, shrubs, vines, milkweeds for butterflies and will provide structural diversity and shelter from the ground to the treetops. There will also be a loop trail which will include quiet places for sitting and will provide safe shelter for all types of wildlife. The project will be done in stages and is set to be completed by the end of next year.

“Simply Good Desserts” will be at the Silver City Public Library on Saturday, August 5th. They will be talking about the desserts they serve and will be showing participants how to make cake pops. This event will take place at 1:00 p.m. and is open to children of all ages. 

PNM Resources, a parent company of PNM, has given over half a million dollars to PNM to help establish the PNM Summer Heat Bill Help Fund. The bill was created to help customers who have high energy bills and offers more flexibility to income-verified customers struggling to pay their electric bill. Applications for funding will be accepted through September 30th. For more information or to apply, go to the PNM website

The Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project (LEAP) and The City of Lordsburg will be hosting a free Board Training event for organizations in the Hidalgo County area. This event is to help provide local organizations information on building an agenda, board member expectations and responsibilities and how to network. The training will take place on August 15th but prior registration is required by August 8th. For more information or to register, visit the LEAP Facebook page. 

Bayard Police Department Chief, Hector Carrillo and Captain, Anthony Macias were recently honored by the Silver Regional Sexual Assault Support Services organization with the “Beyond the Call of Duty Award”. The officers were recognized for their hard work and dedication and for going above and beyond for survivors of sexual abuse. A big thank you to both officers for all they do to help the community.