Here’s a look at today’s local news:
Actress Jennifer Garner, visited with migrant families and children at the Southwest New Mexico State Fairgrounds on Wednesday. The actress is a national board member of “Save the Children”, a charity organization that assists children in times of emergency and crisis. Deming officials and county volunteers have estimated that over 7,000 migrants have been processed through Deming and currently the average intake and out-take per day is approximately 245 individuals.
The Elk Fire that started on June 6th and located southeast of Mangas Mountain in the Quemado Ranger District, Catron County, is still at 48% at the time of this report and has now covered 1158 acres. The fire is located on National Forest System lands and a small portion of private land, approximately 23 miles southeast of Quemado, New Mexico and is burning in remote and rugged terrain.
House Bill 303 titled “Foster Family Park and Museum Free Admission”, took effect day and will provide more young people with access to the outdoors and cultural sites throughout New Mexico. The Bill sponsored by several state representatives including Rebecca Dow, was signed by the Governor on April 2nd. Free admission to state-owned museums and parks is contingent upon a current New Mexico’s driver’s license or other state of New Mexico issues photo identification and a current New Mexico CYFD foster parent certification card.
Silver City District 3 Councilor, Jose Ray, Jr., re-submitted a Notice of Intent Ordinance to that would amend the Silver City Traffic Ordinance regarding the use of recreational off-highway vehicles on town streets, excluding highways 15, 90, and 180. Ray added implementing a year trial period in order to evaluate the ordinance. Ray and District 4 Councilor Guadalupe Cano, voted in favor, while District 1 Councilor Cynthia Bettison, and District 2 Councilor, Linda Aiman-Smith, voted nay. Mayor Ken Ladner, broke the tie with a yes vote. The vehicles, popularly called side-by-sides, would be required to have certain features and drivers would have to be 18 or older.