February 27th, 2014: Red Molly to Perform at the Buckhorn Opera House

    The Mimbres Region Arts Council is pleased to present  Red Molly with opening act Robby Hecht, Friday, March 7th, as part of the ever-popular ‘Folk Series at the Opera House’.  The concert begins at 7:30pm at the Buckhorn Opera House in Pinos Altos. Red Molly will bring you to your feet with their lush three-part harmonies, [...]

    By |2014-02-27T15:51:57+00:00February 27th, 2014|Event, News|Comments Off on February 27th, 2014: Red Molly to Perform at the Buckhorn Opera House

      February 26th, 2014: Dan McBride Invited to 70th “D-Day” Anniversary in France

      The following is a release from the American Legion in honor of Dan McBride, pictured above with Serina Pack at the 2013 4th of July Parade: Dan McBride, a member The American Legion Allingham-Golding Post #18 with continuous membership since 1945, has been invited by the French Government to attend the 70th Anniversary celebrations of the Normandy "D-Day" Invasion. Dan McBride [...]

      By |2014-02-26T16:17:21+00:00February 26th, 2014|Event, News|Comments Off on February 26th, 2014: Dan McBride Invited to 70th “D-Day” Anniversary in France

      February 26th, 2014: Neighborhood Wildfire Safety Preparedness

      Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on May 3, 2014 is an opportunity for people of all ages to participate in a risk reduction/preparedness activity that makes their community a safer place to live. Funding will be awarded to 20 neighborhood wildfire safety projects being implemented during the May 3rd event.  Neighborhood groups can qualify for $500 [...]

      By |2014-02-26T09:59:49+00:00February 26th, 2014|News|Comments Off on February 26th, 2014: Neighborhood Wildfire Safety Preparedness

        February 21st, 2014: Grant County Concert Presents Umi Garrett

        The Grant County Community Concert Association is pleased to present prodigal pianist Umi Garrett at the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theater this Saturday, February 22nd, at 7:30 pm.  Since appearing on the Ellen DeGeneris show at the age of 8, Umi Garrett has become a requested name at concert halls worldwide.  Now, at the age [...]

        By |2014-02-21T09:05:50+00:00February 21st, 2014|Event, News|Comments Off on February 21st, 2014: Grant County Concert Presents Umi Garrett

          February 20th, 2014: Prescribed Burn Scheduled North of Hatch

          For our outlying listeners and avid travelers, there is a prescribed burn scheduled in Sierra County between Hatch and T or C.  Read this release from the Bureau of Land Management to learn more: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning a prescribed burn within Sierra County in southern New Mexico over the next [...]

          By |2014-02-20T16:39:54+00:00February 20th, 2014|News|Comments Off on February 20th, 2014: Prescribed Burn Scheduled North of Hatch

            February 18th, 2014: John McCutcheon in Concert

            John McCutcheon, acclaimed storyteller and musician from Wisconsin, will be performing at the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theater on Thursday, February 20th at 7:30 pm thanks to Western and the Mimbres Region Arts Council.  His songwriting has been 'hailed by critics around the globe' and he is the master of a dozen traditional instruments.  The [...]

            By |2014-02-18T11:34:03+00:00February 18th, 2014|Event, News|Comments Off on February 18th, 2014: John McCutcheon in Concert

              February 14th, 2014: Happy Valentine’s Day

              A short history of Valentine's Day: Hoping to get a box of chocolates from your sweetheart today?  Or perhaps you plan to hand out a dozen Valentines to your friends.  You're not alone.  There will be people all over the world today celebrating this 'most romantic day of the year'.  So why is it called [...]

              By |2014-02-14T10:23:26+00:00February 14th, 2014|Holiday|Comments Off on February 14th, 2014: Happy Valentine’s Day

              February 13th, 2014: February is New Mexico Children’s Oral Health Month

              The following is a release from the New Mexico Department of Health:  The New Mexico Department of Health is raising awareness about tooth decay.  “Tooth decay in children is a chronic condition that can be prevented,” said Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Retta Ward, MPH. “Brushing twice a day, drinking plenty of water and eating [...]

              By |2014-02-13T09:03:54+00:00February 13th, 2014|News|Comments Off on February 13th, 2014: February is New Mexico Children’s Oral Health Month

                February 11th, 2014: Prescribed Burns for Quemado Ranger District

                The following is an announcement from the Gila National Forest Office: The Quemado Ranger District will be conducting two prescribed burns, pending favorable weather conditions.  The Wallow Roadside debris pile ignitions will commence the week of February 18, 2014. Slaughter Mesa Unit 4 broadcast prescribed fire is planned for ignition between February 24 – April [...]

                By |2014-02-11T09:51:57+00:00February 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on February 11th, 2014: Prescribed Burns for Quemado Ranger District

                  February 6th, 2014: Puppy Dog Ranch Continues Fencing Project

                  On January 2nd, a rescued dog at the Puppy Dog Ranch was killed by a gun, and was the third dog to die in such a fashion on the Ranch.  To protect the dogs from human predators, the Puppy Dog Ranch has spent the past weekends installing a wooden privacy fence around the five acre [...]

                  By |2014-02-06T13:21:24+00:00February 6th, 2014|Event, News|Comments Off on February 6th, 2014: Puppy Dog Ranch Continues Fencing Project

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