November 20th, 2013: Charity Riders to Ride December 7th!

Charity Riders of Southwest New Mexico are inviting all riders and non-riders to join them in bringing a little joy into children's lives, Saturday, December 7th. They will be gathering at the Wal Mart parking lot in Silver City at 10 am. Please bring a new, unused toy or donation that will then be distributed [...]

By |2013-11-20T14:55:42+00:00November 20th, 2013|Holiday|Comments Off on November 20th, 2013: Charity Riders to Ride December 7th!

    November 19th, 2013: Toys for Tots Underway in Silver City

    The season of giving is upon us once again! The United States Marine Corps League Gaffney-Oglesby Detachment 1328 is joining forces with Kiwanis International, Copper Country Cruizers and St. Francis Newman Center for the 2013 Toys for Tots campaign. We are asking all residents of Grant County to contribute to a cause rooted in generous [...]

    By |2013-11-19T15:12:19+00:00November 19th, 2013|Event, Holiday, News|Comments Off on November 19th, 2013: Toys for Tots Underway in Silver City

      October 31st, 2013: Happy Halloween

      The name Halloween was derived from Hallowe’en, a contraction for the term “All Hallows Eve.”  All Hallows Evening, as it’s name implies, is the eve before All-hallows or All-hallowmas, taken from the Middle English Alholomesse which means All Saint’s Day.  Many scholars believe All Hallow’s Eve is greatly influenced by the ancient Celtic festival of [...]

      By |2013-10-31T08:17:04+00:00October 31st, 2013|Holiday|Comments Off on October 31st, 2013: Happy Halloween

      Downtown Silver Cam

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