Annual Silver City Blues Festival

Gough Park

The Annual Silver City Blues Festival, will be held on Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th through 26th at Gough Park in Silver City. The event brings national and international performers to the stage in addition to bring their families to the park for fun, music, arts & crafts and great food. Performers include Grammy Award [...]

Memorial Day Ceremony at Fort Bayard National Cemetery

A Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at the Fort Bayard National Cemetery on Monday, May 27th at 10:00 A.M.  presented by the Marine Corps League Gaffney-Oglesby Detachment 1328. The Guest Speaker will be Alfred Ogas, Vietnam 1968-69.

The Commons Youth Summer Internship Deadline

The Commons Center for Food Security and Sustainability is presenting its paid summer internship program, titled, “Rooted: Youth Growing Change.” This internship lasts for 6 weeks starting on June 3rd and will bring together 8 teens (grades 8 - 12) to study how our food goes from farm to table. Deadline for applications is May [...]

Brain Injury Stroke Support Group Picnic 

Little Walnut Picnic Campgrounds

The Brain Injury and Stroke Support Group is holding their Annual Cook-Out on Wednesday, May 29th from 11:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M. at the Little Walnut Picnic area located on Little Walnut Road in Silver City. This free event is for survivors of brain injury and stroke along with their caregivers and family members. For [...]

Team Kids Youth Group in Lordsburg

First Baptist Church of Lordsburg 332 E 3rd St,, Lordsburg, NM, United States

“Team Kids Youth Group” will be meeting every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Lordsburg, at the corner of 3rd and Animas Streets. Team Kids is open to kids grades K through 5. For more information call Sue Lackey at 575-590-3122.

WildWorks Makerspace at Silver City Public Library

Silver City Public LIbrary 515 W. College Avenue, Silver City, NM, United States

Silver City Public Library, is holding a “WildWorks” makerspace every Thursday at 4:00 P.M. for kids ages 10 and up to experiment and create with robots, electronics, games, crafting, 3D drawing, photo editing and more. This is a free program and no registration is necessary. The Silver City Public Library is located at 515 West [...]

Hidalgo Medical Services “Parenting the Love & Logic Way” Free Series

Hidalgo Medical Services is hosting a FREE six session parenting program titled, “Parenting the Love & Logic Way”, every Thursday beginning May 2nd , running through June 6th  , from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. at the HMS Silver City Community Health Care Center in Conference Room 2, located at 1007 North Pope Street in Silver [...]

8th Annual Aldo Leopold Kid’s Fishing Derby

Lake Roberts

The 8th Annual Aldo Leopold Kids’ Fishing Derby will held on Saturday, June 1st from 7:00 A.M. to 12 noon at Lake Roberts, north of Silver City. The derby will coincide with New Mexico’s Free Fishing Day, so bring the whole family for FREE fishing fun, display booths, demonstrations, prizes and interactive activities for the [...]

Free Gardening Workshop Series “All About Trees”

Grant County Cooperative Extension Office

The Grant County Cooperative Extension Service is offering a Gardening Workshop Series "All About Trees" on Monday, June 3rd from 3:00 to 5:30 P.M. at the 2610 North Silver Street location. There will be a lecture from guest Marisa Thompson, NMSU Extension Horticulture Specialist. Topics to be covered include: Planting; Maintenance; Pest Control; and Common [...]

PFLAG Silver City Meeting

3845 North Swan Street 3845 North Swan Street, Silver City

PFLAG  Silver City will be meeting on June 4th, at 7:00 PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, located at 3845 North Swan Street in Silver City. The meeting will focus on preparations for the Annual 4th of July Parade.  Members and friends are invited to create signs that reflect this year’s parade theme, “Made in [...]

Downtown Silver Cam

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