Slash Pile Burn Planned for Glenwood Ranger District


Glenwood, NM, January 5, 2017—For Immediate Release. The Glenwood Ranger District will be burning the Sheridan Mesa Slash Pile, weather and resources permitting. Implementation may occur as early as Monday January 9. However, if conditions and or personnel needed to be within the prescription parameters for the burn are not met, we may ignite as late as January 31, 2017.

The project location is:

  • Sheridan Slash Pit: Sheridan Ridge Road, Catron County Rd 54, approximately seven miles south of Glenwood.

Smoke may be visible in the area where the burn is being conducted and may linger at night and early morning, but normally decreases as daytime weather prevails. Although this is a one day planned event, smoke may be seen in the area for several days following the ignition. Prescribed Fire signs will be posted on Hwy. 180 in the vicinity of the burn where smoke will most likely be seen.  Prescribed fires are one of the most effective tools available to resource managers for restoring fire-adapted ecosystems. These fires mimic natural fires by reducing forest fuels, recycling nutrients and increasing habitat diversity. The prescribed burns are designed to remove dead forest fuels, provide community protection and promote forest health.

Prescribed fires are managed with firefighter and public safety as first priority. Smoke-sensitive individuals and people with respiratory problems are encouraged to take precautionary measures. Information on air quality and protecting your health can be found online at the New Mexico Department of Health website at  For further information on the Sheridan Slash Pit Prescribed Fire, please contact the Glenwood District office at 575.539.2481.


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